Prediction Tools Class 3
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaWhat is commonly used by astrologers to see what may happen next?Some methods involve the actual movement of bodies in the sky today while others are symbolic. The use of Solar arc directions and planetary returns Expressions of interest are … Continue reading →
SATURN Workshop-Consolidation, Manifestation or Depression?
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaSaturn is known was a very grounding planet and it brings a hard dose of reality. Those Neptunian types find this difficult. However, in the cycle of Saturn are positive opportunities to manifest dreams in this world and to take … Continue reading →
FOUNDATION Crash Course in Astrology
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaBuild a strong foundation over different weeks This gives the language of astrology for those who want to learn how to read their natal chart. The first task is to understand all the components of astrology language then learn to … Continue reading →
Chat Session – Come along to an informal session
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaDiscuss astrology at different levels with others. Bring up a query, ask about your chart.Bring along a hard copy of your chart. Explore different systems or any area that you want to talk about. Maybe do a little research as … Continue reading →
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaLook at the position of Chiron in your natal chart. What has been activated in your life as it transits around the chart, forming aspects to activate the natal energy? How was the return of Chiron { if you are … Continue reading →
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaThe planets have specific movements in the sky. At time they speed up and have excessive energy, at other times they appear to go backwards and the outward energy doe not happen. What does it mean and how can we … Continue reading →
UNDERSTAND THE CORE OF THE PLANETS – Crash course for beginners
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaThis course lookout at the basics of astrology. We cover the zodiac signs, houses, planets, and aspects. We need the language of the planets to understand an astrology chart. This is a session for the beginner astrologer. I will create … Continue reading →
The Studio 3 Elizabeth St, Bayswater, WA, AustraliaThis follows on from the beginners crash course. Each session lasts one and a half hours and there is provision for self evaluation if wanted. These classes are designed to expand knowledge of astrology in a small group setting in … Continue reading →